Friday, July 13, 2012

Traveling- Barely Superstitious

Okay, I know the song is "Very" Superstitious, but I always sang it as barely and it works for the trip prep as  we're leaving on Friday the 13th.  Little superstitions were a constant part of my upbringing.  Spilled salt was tossed over the shoulder, cracks were to be avoided, wood was knocked on.   To be honest, I see superstitions as little traditions that you do to tell the world that you've got some good things going and wouldn't mind continuing with those.  Part of me thinks Friday the 13th seems like an advantageous time to begin a trip, the other part of me will make sure we have a well equipt medicine bag.

Our trip this year is to the Outer Banks, NC.  Dear friends (the ones who's wedding started off our amazing road trip last year) have connections to a house down there so when they suggested sharing the house with us, it was a big yes.  Great friends and a stunning destination seems like a really good combination.  This year as I looked at the trip down and began planning stops along the way, my husband looked at me and begged, "Can't we just go to the beach?"  So I've scaled back a bunch.  We will not be spending lots of quality time in Delaware, as I had hoped.  Instead we'll drive through the night and end up in the Outerbanks early, early enough for a good breakfast and a trip to the Wright Brothers memorial we hope.  This vacation we're hoping for lots of sand, sun, and beach time.

The Scavenger hunt this trip is over the top, I built my usual scavenger hunt and Elizabeth, genius gifted artist that she is souped it up into a journal and memory book for the kids.  It is beyond spectacular!  We're thinking of going into business with family travel journals.   Anyway- this year's scavenger hunt!

Outer Banks Scavenger Hunt

      1.              The states you traveled through
2.              Become a Junior Ranger
3.              Do something you have never done
4.              Find evidence of a shipwreck
5.              Fly something
6.              Fly in a bronze plane or cheer on your bronze flyer friends
7.              Draw a flying machine of the future in your sketchbook
8.              Build a sandcastle taller than Ellie and take a photo of it
9.              Find the tallest natural thing of sand in the United States.  What is it and its name?
10.          Who said, “We came down here for wind and sand and we have got them!”
11.          Find sea glass or a seashell
12.          Find a sailboat
13.          Convince an adult to bury you in the sand
14.          Watch the sunset. Find a crazy color and name it. Color it in.
15.          Make a drawing of a seascape
16.          Unusual wildlife
17.          A crazy sea creature
18.          A native bird
19.          Something gruesome or creepy
20.          Something deadly
21.          A statue
22.          A famous name reverse of some Farrell family names
23.          Find your name written somewhere.  Where did you find it?
24.          Find something old that has traveled a long distance and is from another country.
25.          Something that reminds you of home when you are far, far away
26.          What other name was Fort Raleigh called?
27.          Go fishing.
28.          Go for a walk along the seashore with an adult
29.          Eat a food you have never tried before
30.          Walk on a pier
31.          Climb the tallest navigation aid in the United States.  Where and what is it?
32.          Look at the stars
33.          The most exciting thing on your trip?
34.          The most delicious thing on your trip?
35.          Favorite part of the trip?
36.          The thing that took your breath away
37.          What Outer Banks town is named after pirate lore?  What is the story?
38.          Blackbeard’s real name
39.          A pirate walked here
40.          Buried treasure!

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