Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ain't that America.

Before the journey.
There is an idealist side to me that boarders on ridiculous.  When I think of a 2,000 plus long car ride across half the country, I think of the 1950's- 1960's.  Driving along in your enormous car, stopping at the World's Largest Ball of Twine.  Being impressed by giant fake-looking orange dinosaurs.  The family laughing together and sometimes while stopping, breaking into the twist.  I do not think of piles of laundry all over my living room, my children bickering about... well, everything really, making sure we have all the proper cords for documenting and enjoying the trip, wondering if all of the first aid things are with us, thinking about how we'll get decent coffee in Indiana.  Here we are, getting ready to embark on our trip, much closer to breaking into an argument than the twist.  But after a quick stop at our dear friends' wedding, we embark on our journey to look at giant faces carved in rock and a reliable geyser, living the American dream one mile marker at a time.

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