Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 1: Holiday Road.

                                                Kids swimming in Lake Erie.
Our trip started in the most amazing way, at our dear friends wedding in Otego NY. It was a stunning night filled with fun and friends. The next morning we had a delicious pancake breakfast at a place called Pie in the Sky. We said our goodbyes to our old and new friends and started west.

Scavenger hunts are a fixture in our family. For Easter, the kids follow one to find their baskets and last summer we created one for our DC trip. After that fun, scavenger hunts are a prerequisite for any big trip. Much of our trip through NY and PA was spent writing up our 75 item list, which I'll post below. Then we hit Ohio.

In Ohio, people don't wear helmets on bicycles or motorcycles. But, they do keep their bathrooms clean. We got to our campground late, around 8 pm but were still able to jump into the lake. Coming from Otego, where the air was cool and fresh, the hot humid Ohio air was a bit of a surprise. Although we've really only traveled west, it felt like we'd traveled south instead. Lake Erie was also a surprise. As you looked out on the water you could only see the water, which felt like the ocean to us, even though we couldn't smell the salt water. After our swim, we climbed into bed to get ready for another day of travel.

Miles so far: 613.2

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