Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Check out my drawers

We live in an old house, it's a beautiful, wonderful old house that we love, but with each old house comes certain issues.  One issue common to all old houses is lead paint. Our old house is it was well loved for many years but hadn't been redecorated since the late 60's early 70's, which we loved because we made the choices.  The issue with that is ALL of the paint is lead.  Our kids are older, we've talked to our pediatrician about it and we're all good, but certain things come up.  In our pantry, we have drawers that are painted in the interior.  Now, I don't know about you, but painting the interior of drawers is so far down on my list it doesn't even make the list, so we've assumed that the paint in it is lead.  So, painting the interior of drawers has made my list.  It's not a very exciting thing to do, no one can see it and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter.  Until I thought about painting them different colors, then I got excited.

I love painting my toes funky colors, I've done it for years, and it's the one personal indulgence I held onto from my pre-child world.  Painting the interior of my drawers could be like that, only not as sparkly.  So, I went through my huge stash of paint samples and pulled out three greenish- bluey colors, and painted away.  It makes me really happy.  So the point of this post is not to trumpet the fact that I very shoddily painted the interior of my drawers, the point is sometimes something that is not so great (like having lead paint around) makes you do something small that makes your life better and makes you really happy.  That's pretty fantastic.  Please note the colors are a bit more vibrant than it looks, I may be many things, but I'm no photographer.

Next step is to re-paint the white, as it's chipping off and I don't yet have time to strip it down.  That, I'm not so excited about, but at least it will be white hanging out next to some fun colors!

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